Wachet auf, ruft uns die die Stimme, for Organ

Duration: 6:00
Completed: 2005
Instrumentation: Solo Organ

Program Notes

“The bridegroom tarried, and they all became drowsy and slept” (Matt. 25:5)

The parable of the ten virgins is part of the apocalyptic narrative in the New Testament. It describes a sudden and total upheaval. The parable is disturbing because it is difficult to understand with any certainty how one is supposed to interpret it. A close reading seems to suggest that there is a riddle that we will not solve, but only have the solution to by chance. Of the ten virgins, five are foolish and five are wise. The wise ones have extra oil in their lamps and the foolish do not. They are all waiting for the bridegroom, but does not come when any of the ten expect, and they all fall asleep. Then, when the bridegroom comes, the wise virgins leave the foolish ones to buy oil because the wise are concerned that they won’t have enough for themselves if they give the foolish any. When the foolish virgins arrive, they are locked out of the wedding and the feast, in the darkness. Jesus ends the parable with “stay awake, therefore,” which none of the virgins were able to do. Are we asleep? What does this mean?