Large Ensemble
Hardscrabble, for Wind Ensemble (2017)
Here We Sleep, for Sinfonietta (2011)
The Henry Ford Old Time Orchestra Plays Real American Tunes (2009)
Wake Nicodemus, for Tenor and Sinfonietta (2008)
Amazing Grace for Mixed Choir (2006)
The Shepherd Will Supply My Need for Mixed Choir (2006)
Ah, Holy Jesus for Mixed Choir (2006)

Chamber Ensemble
Piers Plowman: a monodrama (2013)
The clay fell softer, for Clarinet, Viola, and Percussion (2011)
Abel’s Blood, for Eight Voices (2009)
Ford Work, for 10 Brass Instruments and Recitation (2007)
Murmurs from Limbo, for Alto, Tenor, and Ensemble (2004)
Partita on Rhode Island for Flute, Bb Clarinet, and String Quartet (2003)
Two Canto Fragments for Alto and Percussion Ensemble (2002)
Offertory for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Piano (2001)
Concerto for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Percussion (1999)

Solo and Duet
Wisconsintale for Tuba and Harp (2023)
Tight for Voice (2022)
Bagatelles for Clarinet & Piano (2018)
Like Marked for Violin & Piano (2017)
Dein Gehege for Mezzo-Soprano & Piano (2017)
Benediction for Soprano & Piano (2014)
Praetorius’ Ear, for Organ and Electronics (2012)
Anthems for Baritone and Piano (2011)
Set the Table On a Roar for Flute and Piano (2010)
Remains for Contrabass and Electronics * (2007-2011)
On the Floodis of Babiloyne for Alto Saxophone and Computer * (2006)
Wachet Auf for Solo Organ (2006)
Durch Adams Fall for Solo Organ (2005)
Scrapheap for Solo Piano (2004)
Musette for Violin and Computer * (2004)
Three Frescos for Alto Saxophone (2003)

Praetorius’ Ear, for Organ and Electronics (2012)
Remains for Contrabass and Electronics * (2010)
On the Floodis of Babiloyne for Alto Saxophone and Computer * (2006)
Musette for Violin and Computer * (2004)
Chamber Music – 2 channel electroacoustic music (2003)
vapor, form – 2 channel electroacoustic music and animation (2003)
Air – 2 channel electroacoustic music (2002)
Etude no. 2 – 2 channel electroacoustic music (2002)
Etude no. 1 – 2 channel electroacoustic music (2002)